Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

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Hash Details
Hash Number:999
What:Hockessin Hash #999 - Joint Hockessin/Blue Hen Hash for BH4's 21st Anniversary
When:Oct. 19, 2013
Where:100 Suburban Dr, Newark, DE
What:  Joint Hockessin/Blue Hen Hash for BH4's 21st Anniversary
When:  Saturday Oct 19, 2013 at 2:30pm
Where: Suburban Shopping Plaza (https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!q=suburban+shopping+center&data=!1m4!1m3!1d3667!2d-75.7756464!3d39.6670977!4m11!1m10!4m8!1m3!1d792140!2d-75.3866564!3d39.1452509!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!17b1)  This address will get you there if that link doesn't work: 100 Suburban Dr, Newark DE
Who:  Fuk Stick
Why:  21 years, and H4 needs a 999th before their 1000th run the week following.
What Else:  Chicken/Eagle split.  Dog Friendly, strollers can be accommodated.
Hash Cash:  $5
D'erections:  From I-95, take the Rt. 896/Newark/U of D exit.  At the 3rd light, take a left.  Got about one mile, go through the traffic light, and look for miscreants in the shopping center parking lot.
Bunion Butt
Bunion's Bitch
Circle Jerk
Closing Time
Cums Early
Dirty Little Pumper
Dirty Wet Pussy
Do Me On the Beach
I'll Respect You in the Mourning
Just TJ
Lazy Bitch
Lick Stick
Lost Penis
Lung Butter
Mary Fucking Poppins
Pole Her Express
Rug Burn
Scooby Snatch
The International House of Virgins
Tits of Steel
Toxic Shock
Toxic Waste
Two Buck Fuck
Up the Rear
Vaseline Alley
Wet Lay
Woody Woodpecker
Hash Trash
Hockessin Hash #999, The Blue Hen Anniversary
So, the slobbering pack met up in one of the parking lots of Suburban Plaza near the M and M bank to celebrate the 21st Anniversary of the Blue Hen Hash, the First State’s first Hash about 2:30pm on the windy Saturday Afternoon of October the 19th 2013 A.D.  I started out as a Blue Hen hasher as did several other members of H4 mismanagement. And if you’ve never been on a Blue Hen hash it’s always an adventure and filled with the unexpected. The first unexpected event being that the hare showed up more or less on time, for we are notoriously late in getting started.  Blue Hen hashes are usually A to B, they can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours, and we almost always lose a few people on the way.
Hashers I remember being present: Toxic Waste, Lost Penis, Rug Burn with the fruit of her loins Just TJ, Wickwacker, Circle Jerk, Wet Lay, Bunion Butt carrying the H4 flag that day, Pole Her Express, Bitchard and Lazy Bitch back from Shanghai for the next week or two, Up the Rear, Do Me on the Beach, Toxic Shock, Bunions Bitch, Tits of Steel. The International House of Virgins, Vaseline Alley, Groper, Waterfowl, Cums Early, Two Buck Fuck, Lick Stick who wasn’t the last person to show up this time, Dirty Wet Pussy, Dirty Little Pumper, Woody, Lung Butter, Scooby Snatch, The Hasher Formerly Known as Schporto, I’ll Respect You In the Morning, Wish Boner, Mary Fucking Poppins, Just Jenny, Just Vibha, Crib Snatcher who was seen in the parking lot before the hash but disappeared a while before we got started, and many, many others.
Our Hare was the GM Emeritus and Founder of the Blue Hen the legendary Fuk Stik who came down here from DC or Pittsburgh or someplace and who starting hashing and haring trails when he was in high school, but still needs to work on it a bit. Fuk Stik gave us the chalk talk before taking off to live hare the trail. The arrows he laid down went in the exact opposite direction then did. We hung out for a bit sipping on Lions Head brew and singing songs to give the hare a few minutes head start before we headed out.
On! On!
We are immediately reminded about why one should never follow Schporto on trail. He loudly insisted that the arrows were in fact true, and we wasted a bunch of time looking around the west side of Suburban Plaza for marks that were not to be found. Eventually most of the pack kind of gets the clue that we should probably go the way the hare did.
On! On!
An arrow is thus seen across Elkton Road going toward the Mason Dixon trail and half the hashers follow a few marks the right direction and the other half do a No ! No! There was a check or two and most of the pack picked up trail the way it was supposed to go. But us ass draggers got quite confused. Some Ass Clown drew an arrow in the dirt at the check going in the wrong direction and about 10 of us totally lost trail. It was at this point that Circle Jerk decided to free range it and we lost him for the rest of the hash, the first of several casualties.
On! On!
From what I heard, the people actually on trail crossed over the Christiana Creek either through the water or over a bridge and trail went into the Devon Binns neighborhood until it went around back the Park and Shop shopping center where Fuk Stik was found with a butt load of beer, cleverly stashed behind a steel beam that was laying there for some reason.  The 10 or so of us that were completely lost relied on Schporto, since we had nobody else to follow, to show us the way, since he made the violation of using technology on trail to find the beer stop. Eventually all of us except Circle Jerk, made it to the first beer stop and we enjoyed our brews for a while  giving Fuk Stik another head start to finish laying this thing. Some creepy guy dressed up as Elmo was seen near by waving to people and flipping them off. Eventually, we get off our asses and go back on trail.
On! On!
We see a mark in the median of Elkton Road ... I mean South Main Street as it is now called, and follow some marks up to the West Knoll apartments before we’re turned back by a check back 6. I find a mark going towards the Municipal building, but when Schporto starting going that direction I decided to hang back for a bit. It was at this point I think that we lost Bunions Bitch.
On! On!
Schporto, with his daughter riding atop his shoulders was actually going in the right direction for once and we followed trail to the Apple Road bridge we’re we came across the Turkey Eagle Split.
On! On!
Eagle trail went down behind some buildings on South Main Street, through the Rodney dorm complex and out to Barksdale Road, while the Turkey just went over the bridge to Barksdale Road.
On! On!
Trail goes into the Oaklands neighborhood where we find a few checks and we take advantage of the youthful, energetic Just TJ, and the not youthful Woody to sniff true trail out for us. Trail goes through Oaklands and into Nottingham Green across the Nottingham Green Swim clubs field and out to Casho Mill Road. At this point we lost Groper and Do Me on the Beach, even though it was the most well marked section of this whole hash.
On! On!
Trail bangs a left up Casho Mill Road, and then a right down behind Downes Elementary and through the Playground, where we again see that creepy Elmo Guy waving and flipping people off. In the woods we go and soon find Fuk Stik with the beer for the second beer near.
For awhile we enjoy our brews waiting for everybody else to get here wondering about what that Elmo Guy, who’s about the same height as Cribsnatcher is doing.  Since DWP is the RA of the Blue Hen and likes the rain, the clouds began the gather and we started getting a few drops. After giving the hare a few more minutes we were off again.
On! On!
Trail immediately crosses over the cold, deep Christina creek and half the pack slows themselves down trying to find a way to cross without getting wet. 
On! On!
Trail goes through the woods for a while and out into a park, and past the home of a Blue Hen interruptus for over 10 years, I’d Rather have a beer in front of me than a Full frontal lobotomy- Blue Hen is fond of giving out long names.
On! On!
We go out to Barksdale Road and in to the Abbotsford neighborhood and find the On! In! in the front of the home of Schporto and his better half I’ll Respect you in the morning.  We are greeted by beers, apples, hummus and pepperoni while we wait for all that’s left of the pack to make it back. Three out of the 5 people we lost, Circle Jerk, Cribsnatcher and Do Me on the Beach make it back in time for circle, while the rest of us do our best to collapse the back patio of Schporto's house.
Our Hare and GM emeritus runs the circle, awards and penalties are dished out and songs are sung. Unfortunately the only person whose choose the option were Pole Her Express, Vaseline alley, and many beers are chugged down or dumped upon heads. Fuk Stik and Cribsnatcher with his diet coke did down’s down’s for founding the two major Delaware hashes and a bunch of other people did down downs for a bunch of other things.
After circle we finish celebrating the 21t birthday of the Blue Hen with hot dogs, pie and more beer of course.  And poor Fuk Stik had to backtrack in the dark to the beer stops since no one thought to grab the trash and the leftovers from there.
All and All it was another shitty trail,
Stay tuned for the BIG ONE! Hockessin Hash number 1000, and the rest of the Delaware interhash this coming weekend.
On! On!