Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

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Hash Details
Hash Number:945
What:Hockessin Hash #945 - Hockessin Hash House Harriers go camping!
When:Oct. 13, 2012
Where:2564 Silver Road, Darlington, MD
Hares:Bunion Butt
Two Buck Fuck
Wet Lay
What:  Hockessin Hash House Harriers go camping!
Who:  2-Buck F*ck, Bunion Butt, Wet Lay and many more
When:  Friday, October 12th through 14th, 2012  
Why:  Kegs, multiple hashes, good food, more beer, entertainment, hashers are so much fun to camp with!
Where:  Camp Ramblewood, 2564 Silver Road, Darlington, MD 21034
D'erections:  Will be sent to campers.
What else:  Please fill out the attached rego and mail to Dead End with a check. We're still working on on-line payments, stay tuned. Please direct questions to Wet Lay: msk19702@...
Dog friendly?  Sorry, no
Hash Cash:  $79.00 covers lodging, beer, food entertainment and a gimme.
What:  Hockessin Hash #945
Who:  Skidmarks and a bunch of other campers
When:  Saturday, October 13th, 2012. Cum early and play with all the fun stuff at Camp Ramblewood. 3:00 p.m. hash time.
Why:  "Burning Seizure Rodney Man". 

What else:  Beer, cool gimme, volleyball, an obstacle course, tennis (byor), beer, turkey/eagle trail, food, more beer, food, and then BURN THE MAN!
Where:  Camp Ramblewood, 2564 Silver Road, Darlington, MD 21034. A short 25 miles from Deer Park Tavern.
D'erections:  From I-95, exit onto Route 273 West to Newark. Stay on 273 through Newark and into Maryland. go ~10 miles, keep left at the fork to stay on 273, go ~5 miles. At the traffic circle, continue straight on 273 West (Rising Sun Road), go 0.5 miles. Take exit for Route 1 South, turn left onto Route 1 South (Conowingo Road). Go ~5 miles, cross the Conowingo Dam. Turn left onto Shuresville Road, go 0.8 miles (don't take the sharp left at Shures Landing Road), turn left onto Silver Road. Continue on up the driveway, look for signs. What, you'd rather stay longer on I-95? Google it yer damn self.

More What else:  Bring a sleeping bag and toothbrush just in case, we've got cabins available.  Please RSVP to Wet Lay: msk19702@... 
Dog friendly?  No
Hash Cash:  $30.00
The Many GOOD Reasons why YOU SHOULD NOT attend Hockessin HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Hash Camp next weekend:

1.      It’s in Maryland.  Though not Cecil County Maryland, it’s still Maryland.
2.      Cribsnatcher might show up
3.      They make you drink beer unless you decide you’d rather not.
4.      You’ll be forced to bunk in USMC Paris Island boot camp type cabins.
5.      Marines smell funny. 
6.      Hashers smell funny. Plus they fart in their sleep.
7.      You will be required to gather and toss wood onto the many bonfires – NO EXCEPTIONS!!
8.      How can they call this a “Camp” if there’s no razor wire or guard dogs – misleading advertising.
9.      STRICT RULE OF THE CAMPGROUND – Loincloths must remain securely  attached during daylight hours.
10.  Too much bonfiring … you’ll end up with that smoky smell on your loincloth.  And in your hair.  Or in the curly hairs clinging to your loincloth.
11.  Tennis courts at the campground will make you feel compelled to exert yourself.
12.  All new, 100% Virgin Hash Terrain almost guarantees a lost hasher or two.
13.  Risk eternal damnation due to scheduled pseudo-pagan Burning Hash-Man ceremony.
14.  Dangerous Hash Trails wind their way above steep bluffs on the western bank of the Susquehanna River.  One wrong step with the tide going out and you could end up in the Azores.
15.  Some of the more simple-minded hashers risk getting lost within the meditative labyrinth at the campground.
16.  STRICT RULE OF THE CAMPGROUND – All volleyball players must keep their bottoms covered while on the court.  Basketball players’ nether-wear will be considered on a case by case basis.
17.  The Discovery Channel’s Ghosthunters TV program is filming this weekend, so there may be ghosts and asshole reality celebrities about the campground.
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