Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:931
What:Hockessin Hash #931
When:July 11, 2012
Where:5350 Summit Bridge Rd, Middletown, DE
Hares:Lick Stick
What: Hockessin Hash #931
Who: Lick Stick
When: Wednesday, July 11, 2012, at 6:30pm
Where: Middletown Nature Area at corner of S. Broad and Lakeside Dr., Middletown, DE
D'erections: I-95 exit #1A Rt. 896 south towards Middletown. For about 11 miles follow Rts 896/71/301 south going over bridge. Stay on Rts. 71/301 south when Rt. 896 splits to left. Becomes single lane, go for about 3 miles. Just pass NuCar Dealer on left and Dunkin Donuts on right, left Rt. 71/ North Broad St. going over railroad tracts. Stay on Broad St. for about 2 miles. Pass Everrett Middle School on right and housing development. Lakeside community on left. Right to Middletown Nature Center. Park and look for wankers.
Hash cash: $5
Friendliness: Dogs must be on lease, apres ok
What else: Dry bag, chairs.
New 'Where" for tonight: 5350 Summit Bridge Rd, Middletown, DE.  1/4 mile passed nature center - shopping center will be on the right at top of the hill.
Hares will check at 6:45 at nature center if didn't get message.
Bug repellent is good idea and we'll also have some at the start.
Hash Trash
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