I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.
Hash Details | |
Hash Number: | 1259 |
What: | Hockessin Hash #1259 |
When: | Sept. 8, 2018 |
Where: | Elk Neck Arboretum on Old Elk Neck Road, Elkton, MD |
Hares: | Gives It Away Two Buck Fuck | Message |
What: Hockessin Hash #1259 When: Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 2:00 pm HST --Note the time! Where: Elk Neck Arboretum on Old Elk Neck Road, near Elkton, MD. Who Hare: Gives It Away & 2 Buck Fuck What Else: Bug spray would be wise. Bring a flashlight or something, in case it gets somewhat dark on trail. Friendlies: Dog friendly? On trail, not at apres. Kid? Sure, why not? Hash Cash: $7 D'erections: From points south of I-95 or if on I-95 in Delaware, get yourself to Rt. 40. Drive west to and past Elkton. Turn left onto either Rt. 7 south and then Old Elk Neck Road or a bit further up onto Old Elk Neck Road and follow it approximately 4.5 miles to small parking lot on right. It is best NOT to use Google Maps it will take people to the parking lot on Irishtown Road. From the Newark area north of I-95, get yourself to Elkton Road/Rt. 279 into Elkton and at Rt. 40, go straight onto Rt. 7 and then left onto Old Elk Neck Road. Go 4.5 miles, to small parking lot on right. | Hashers |
Cause for Blindness Dirty Little Pumper Dirty Wet Pussy Gives It Away I Crave Periods Mary Fucking Poppins NecroPheelMeUp Orgy-Porgy-Put-In-Pie PubeHeAteHer Shit Out of Luck Tick Twat Hoe Tits of Steel Two Buck Fuck Utterly Delicious Woody Woodpecker | Hash Trash |
Trash for Hockessin Hash #1259 So the slobbering pack gathered up in one of the parking lots of the Old Elk Neck Road park, roughly half way between Elkton and North East Maryland for the first Saturday hash of the Saturday hashing season on the wet Saturday Afternoon of September the 8th, 2018 AD. Hashers I remember being present at some point: NecroFeelMeUp, PubeHeAteHer, Tick Twat Ho, Mary Fucking Poppins w/ his big huge umbrella, Shit Out of Luck, Orgy Porgy Put N’ Pie, Woody, Tits of Steel, Dirty Wet Pussy, Dirty Little Pumper, Utterly Delicious, I Crave Periods, Cause For Blindness, and many, many others ... well not really, but that kind of worked out as their were not many, many parking spaces available. Though there was, conveniently, a fine fly infested outhouse on the premises that most of us took advantage of, especially since we had to wait quite a while at the end waiting for somebody who showed up late and got themselves lost. But I’ll get to that later. Our hares of the day were Gives It Away, who was doing this in honor of her birthday, and who was graced with the presence that day of her offspring, are now also named hashers, and her partner in crime, Two Buck Fuck, who has now managed to go almost 10 years doing this activity without sustaining a serious injury. Upon so, we stood in the parking lot enjoying some brews and some rain, while bitching to the hare about how her directions were mistaken about how many miles the parking lot was down Old Elk Neck Road, amongst other things, as we watched our RA for the day, Woody, in his nice, brand new old Saab, drive right past us. Down the road a few yards, Woody noticed us waving and screaming in his rearview and bravely put the vehicle in reverse to enter the parking lot. Orgy Porgy, who once again, forgot to bring the hash horn with him, announced the beginning of the chalk, while our RA was still changing into his hash gear, and while the late arriving Tits of Steel probably had not yet crossed into the Maryland border. Eventually after a few false starts and demands that the few of us there pay attention the hares explained to us that the trail was marked only in pink ribbons tied onto trees, a good idea considering any flour marks would have soon washed away. Two ribbons together, we were told marked a check, while five ribbons together marked a “You Been Fucked” or a longer than average false trail. Three ribbons together meant a beer stop or a shot stop and there was to be one of each of those. Two Buck dragged his feet across the mud making a crude arrow mark to give us a general hint, and off we went. On! On! We ran down a path and into the woods, where we found the first ribbon mark. Two others were found and then a check, shortly after the FRBs found the true trail. Already more marks were discovered, about 7, then were found by anybody on the last 3 Wednesday hashes combined. We found another check, and yours truly found the true trail going into deep shiggy, and down some awfully steep hills that were made most slippery by the rain and that afforded us many great opportunities for hash crashes. There were many stream crossings, and Woody having pretty much no choice in the matter, had to get over his fear of water crossings, as it was pretty much impossible for anyone to stay dry for long in this. On! On! Through the woods and up and down a few hills we went, unbelievably, we continued to find marks, something that I thought went out of style at the Hockessin Hash a few months ago. Now it may not have helped that Woody was picking up a lot of those ribbons, and taking them with him, as he believed he had been instructed to do so by the hares so that the false trails wood not be followed accidentally, by somebody ... And by somebody, I mean Tits of Steel, who showed up 15-30 minutes after the rest of us left. On! On! A road suddenly appeared on the left, and the ribbons led us to a bridge across a small creek where the beer near was discovered, and under ye’ bridge was a cooler full of tasty Yuenglings and Miller lights. And enjoyed those we did, and enjoyed watching Cause For Blindness slip and fall into the creek we did as well. On! On! We followed ribbons across a creek, and up a big, big hill, and down a hill and across another creek. A check was found, and Orgy Porgy briefly mistook the five ribbon “You’ve Been Fucked Mark” and the place intended for the shot stop. While Pube did find the true trail and the appropriate place for the shot stop, and again decided to take the initiative by following trail backwards to the back of the pack to grab the backpack containing the shots from Two Bucks. And so we enjoyed shots of Vodka mixed with Ice tea for a few minutes as the rain really began cumming down. On! On! We ran through the woods for a little while longer, up and down a few hills and across another creek or to before shortly arriving back to point A. The whole trail being clocked by Orgy Porgy at a whopping 1.66 miles. And so we hung out there for a while. A while after we poured the down-down beers. And I mean a while, longer than we had been on trail, waiting for or hoping that the late cumming Tits of Steel would find her way back to us as cell service was rather spotty in the area. And so we sipped on some brews and enjoyed a bag of doritos while Woody and Pube went back and basically ran the whole trail backwards and then forwards again and still found no sign of her. Right After Two Buck decided to go out in his car to pick up the cooler and hopefully a lost hasher, she then appeared from the road. And so we soon circled after giving the down-down beers enough time to get good and flat and half full of rain water. Our RA for the day, Woody, circled us up. Awards and penalties were dished out. Songs were sung. Down-Downs were done. As we were now down one hare, who was now getting the food ready, a second proxy drinker was required a few times. Necro drank for first in. Tits of Steel drank for getting lost. Tick Twat Ho drank for interruptus. Our visitor for the day I crave Periods, who admitted to being the spawn of the hares did his visitor down down and sang us a song. Cause drank a few times and called a few people out as usual, before the hash went in peace. After circle we adjourned to the hares abode, a few miles further up Old Elk Neck Rd, and the sight of a few memorable crab hashes. There we were joined by the auto-hashing and interrupting Utterly Delicious and Dirty Little Pumper, which made this almost a family values hash. And we enjoyed some fine lasagna, salad and donuts for desert. Along with some fine story telling and discussions of parenting techniques. All and All it was another shitty trail. Though the best marked one in a few months. Stay tuned for Hockessin Hash #1260, The Hurricane Hash Perhaps? This cumming Saturday. On! On! MFP |