Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:773
What:Hockessin Hash #773
When:June 24, 2009
Where:University Office Plaza, Newark, DE
Hares:Dirty Wet Pussy
Stun Gun
What: Hockessin Hash #773
When: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 6:30pm
Where: University Office Plaza, Newark DE
Who: Dirty Wet Pussy and StunGun69
Why: Its time to celebrate the Grand Mistress's birthday with a dirty, wet, slimy, stinky and oh yea shiggy trail.
Things to Bring: Dry bag always a good Idea, snorkel, flash light, hedge clippers, repelling lines, and a chair.
D'erections: From Wilmington, PA, NJ take I-95 south to exit Rt. 273 East, once off the exit ramp get to your right and take a right onto Chapman road, the first right turn. Exxon and University Plaza Shopping Center are on the corners. Drive down a little and University Office Plaza will be on your right. Drive toward the back and look for Hashers ....
From Newark, take Rt. 273 East. Go over I-95 and follow above directions. (Alternative, take a left onto Salem Church Road from Old Baltimore Pike or right onto Salem Church Road from Rt. 4 in Ogletown and turn onto Chapman Road at Christiana High School.
If you get lost, as many do trying to follow my directions, just call me, DWP,
Bunion Butt
Clit Clapper
Dead End
Devil Woman
Dirty Wet Pussy
Dublin Dick
Free to Lay
Lost Boy
Mary Fucking Poppins
Perfect Woman
Rug Burn
Seen Your Panties
Stun Gun
Wet Lay
Yeast of Burden
Hash Trash
Hash Trash Run 773
From: Hash Trash
And we had another hash on Wednesday June the 24th, 2009 AD.
Hashers Present: Dead End, Gomez, Deathwish, Yeast of Burden, Portaho, Dead Head, Roadkill, Rugburn, Skidmarks, Clit Clapper, Free two Lay, Devil Woman, Butthead, Senior Panties, Slutmaster, Himilaya, Perfect Woman, Mary Fucking Poppins, Bunion Butt, Wet Lay, Dublin Dick, Lost Boy, STD, Just Larry, Just Terry, and a bunch of other people I forgot about.
Dirty Wet Pussy and Stungun were da hares.
So, the slobbering pack meets up at the first office complex of Chapman Road on what is the longest sunlit Wednesday of 2009. And so of course the hares take advantage of this by making another long ass trail, in honor of DWP's bir thday, with of course another long ass circle afterwards, possibly to impress the two nude, I mean new people. After everybody who has a mind to covers themselves from head to toe with bug repellent, away we go.
On! On!
Across Chapman Road is a mark or two and in no time we’re into some shiggy. It was such a well laid trail that we needed Stungun to point out every single mark for the first couple of miles to convince us this was actually a hash.
On! On!
Out into the road and back into the woods we go, once again after the sweeper Mr. Stungun informs us what the right way is. Damn! Were slow. We get into a neighborhood and find a check and the other hare appears, DWP, who starts running about a mile in the wron g way. She repeats this three or four more times during the hash. Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me Four times after that, damn! Shame on ME!
On! On!
We go back into the woods and trail comes to a water crossing. Well, more like a water mixed with sewage runoff crossing and we find the Beer Near. Yes hidden in a bag, BH4 style. We enjoyed our brews
Well actually most of us didn’t. Its kind of hard to drink when the area your in smells like the solid waste treatment plant. So just about everybody left in less than 5 minutes and took their beers with them.
On! On!
Just about all the pack ignores true trail and follows the road, which is parallel to true trail. I ignore the penis check and get dowsed by c old water by the hare.
On! On!
Trail goes back out onto the road at some point and the 2 or 3 of us who were following it rejoin the rest of the pack. Then about 10 people leave the rest of the pack, as usual, to shortcut because they are too afraid of the mud and shiggy. Or maybe they’re just trying to be clever. Who knows?
On! On!
Once again we go back into a swamp and we come to a check. And…….
For some reason Yeast of Burden and MFP discover more than five marks consistently in a row going in a certain direction, but the sweeping hare Stungun insists that trail is going the other way. So the whole pack crawls over some logs and through some toxic mud, and HA! HA! HA! There’s a checkback. Great!! Wonderful!! ! Good for you to get a few laughs in on the walkers. Whatever that accomplishes.
On! On!
Trail goes out by that apartment complex on Woodlawn Avenue or what ever and the pack stays together cause we’re just not sure if we’re going the right way cause there’s the hare in the distance ready to meet us again. Trail goes out to Norwegian woods and past DWP’s house where, the product of her loins, runs out to meet hashers with a super soaker. We find marks going in the wrong direction and then at a roadblock we find a 5000 pound mark, Dead Ends car. Which thus indicated to a few of us that the second beer stop was near by. We yell “Are You!” And we can hear some of the short cutting pansies that were too afraid to get dirty on trail down by the pond with the beer. Apparently they had time to play some kind of drinking game. Since the sun was going down those of us who followed trail didn’t have too much time to enjoy those brews either.
On! On!
We go up a hill and stop for a group picture at some fort that was being built.
On! On!
We come to a log crossing and our two most senior hashers put everybody to shame.
On! On!
We go through what must be the longest and darkest freaking tunnel under I-95 that DWP has ever put us though. Some of us hold hands. Then Stungun breaks out the flashlight. At the end of the tunnel we eventually find the Chapman Road bridge and the obvious way to get back to the cars, and just like so many other Hockessin Hashes, there’s already about 15 short cutting bastards who made it there already.
So, we circle up for another couple of hours. We go back to DWP and Beasts house for another kick ass Oprey with tender juicy Tandori Chicken wings and some cheesecake to celebrate da hares birthday.
But as always….
All in all it was another shitty trail!
Stay tuned for the next Hockessin Hash, not in Delaware, but in Delaware County PA, this Wednesday.
On! On!