Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:145
What:Hockessin Hash #145
When:Jan. 1, 1900
Where:Mt. Pleasant High School, Wilmington, DE
Nothing here yet
Hash Trash
H4H145: Washington Street Extensions
Location: Mt. Pleasant High School
Number of hashers: 25 - 30
Total time: 90 minutes
Hares: Dead Head and Slutmaster
Weather: wet
First In: Kung Fuc
The day dawned wet with more wet coming. Naturally this was the weekend. So what else is new? We started at Mt. Pleasant High School after an interesting redefinition of "Hash time". The wind was whipping and the cold bone chilling. Therefore, we needed to wait until everyone was frostbitten and ready to go home - leaving all the beer for the hares - before we heard that dreadful refrain, "The trail starts in that direction!", whatever "that direction" meant. The hounds with frostbitten brains went off in a quick loop around the local police barracks, to notify them of our presence and see if we could get a charged with "Running Under the Influence". The rest of the hounds followed the more sensible route into Bellevue State Park. This included at least a marathon of roads to reach the park, but what's a couple hundred miles of road work to hashers? Once in the park, we were swiftly cautioned that we were in a horse area and no jogging permitted. So what? We weren't jogging. We were hashing. The more anal jumped a fence to get into the jogging zone and attempt to pick up trail. Rosebutt and Dung Ho found a few pieces of trail, but were unable to make much sense of them. About this time, a flock Canadians tried to goose one of our members. While, other hounds found true flour.
Trail wended along the track in a southerly flow to the bottom of the park and then started crossing roads and developments until we were back into hash terrain, somewheres near Sewerpot Creek. A little more of this and we discovered an arrow pointing back the way from whence we came. So, a bit of backtrailing and some directions by the hares put the pack back onto trail and through a series of Dodge dodgings, Lexus leapings and Honda hoppings until we hit the trail's dirty underbelly. This was by far the most interesting part of the trail, going under
I-95 via a conduit which was several miles long, but high enough to walk through upright - if you were one of the Wee Folk - to the beer stop. About this time, figuring the beer stop was at most the halfway point, we were in dreadful fear of another Dead Head Death March.
Dog tired and ready to bag the hash, the hounds left the beer stop and headed down pavement to follow trail. Then, GLORY BE!, we came upon the arrows discovered earlier and started hashing again in earnest. The rest of the hash consisted of a bit shiggy and the ON IN at the back side of Mt. Pleasant's athletic fields. Not everyone found the ON IN and it is assumed that several hashers are still out there, contently confused, and will be found on a future hash in that part of Wilmington.
The Apres was at Dead Head's, consisting of leftover Halloween candy and pre-digested Eagle snacks. That is until the pizza arrived. About halfway through the eightieth pizza, DOWN DOWNs were announced. One hare was lost on trail to the Apres, so the other did double duty. Kung Fuc was officially First In, but was busy inhaling herbage at this time. Therefore, he will be doing a double at the next hash. Other hounds were toasted and roasted for five runs among other infractions. Finally, it was back inside to finish pizza and the Samuel Adam's
Boston Ale!
The December 6 hash will be the start of three weekends of collecting for TOYS FOR TOTS. We have used a lot of Marine Corps gear (and a lot of Marines) over the years. This is a small and legal way of saying "Thank You". Therefore, please bring one unwrapped toy to any of the three December pre-Christmas hashes, December 6, 13 or 20 and feel like you have done your good Boy (Girl) Scout deed for the year. Remember, this is "Toys For Tots", not "Toys for Oversexed Adults". That comes at our Christmas party.
from web archive