Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

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Hash Details
Hash Number:586
What:Hockessin Hash #586
When:Nov. 26, 2005
Where:52 Smalleys Dam Road, Newark, DE
Hares:Bunion Butt
Doggie Erectus
Wet Lay
What: Hockessin Hash #586
Where: Christiana/Smalleys Dam
When: Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 3:00 p.m.
Who: Doggie Erectus, Wet Lay & Bunion Butt
D'erections: From I-95, take exit 3 (Route 273 East to Dover). At 3rd light, turn right onto Old Baltimore Pike. At 1st light (appr. 0.3 miles), turn left onto Trefoil Drive, Raintree Village Straight to "T", turn left onto Smalleys Dam Road. Park on cul-de-sac. Pay your nickel ($5) Hash (Please note that you can't take Route 40 side of Smalleys Dam Road as the bridge is out).
Hash Trash
It’s Pronounced “Chris-tee-AN-a”,
All You Delaweenie Hasholes!
November 26, 2005 Hash #586
Hockessin Hash House Harriers

HARES: Doggie Erectus , Wet Lay , Bunion Butt

When the village of Christiana was settled early in the 18th century, ocean going vessels could cross the Atlantic Ocean, sail north up the Delaware Bay, turn westward into the mouth of the Christiana River and continue more than ten miles inland to dock along the wharves of the village. The inland journey would have taken them past what is now the Port of Wilmington, the Shipyard Shops Outlets, the Town of Newport, Interstate 95, Nonesuch Creek, Churchman’s Marsh, Cavaliers’ Golf Club and the Christiana Mall.

Today, of course, the waterway which American colonists had named after Sweden’s Queen Christina (and which most native Delawareans continue to mistakenly, yet somehow reassuringly refer to as the Christiana River) has long since silted in to prevent any such large boats from travelling so deep inland.

You might argue that it was this same slow but incessant geological silting-in process which brought about 25 Hounds from the Hockessin Hash House Harriers to the Smalley’s Dam Road home of Wet Lay. For if this ancient river had not narrowed and shallowed over the past three centuries there would be no need to artificially deepen the channel. And if there had been no need to artificially deepen the channel there would have been no need to dam the river. And if there had been no dam constructed on the river there would have been no Smalley’s Dam Road. And if there was no Smalley’s Dam Road then the natural riparian degradation which affects most all waterways would not have occurred and the Village of Christiana might not have been left abandoned and forgotten, cut off from the rest of the world as it’s traditional conduit of travel and commerce simply dried up.

But all these things did occur, and so there we were, all gathered in the Christiana River floodplain to do a bit of Hashing. Hares Wet Lay, Bunion Butt and Doggie Erectus quickly laid out the ground rules, and we were On-Trail.

The wily Hares immediately sent the Slobbering Pack on a thousand yard trail trot to the north along a well beaten meadow path, and just as quickly back southbound on a CB-9. The Hounds chased their tails in circles for a while, then took a deserved Beer Break.

The beer was cold and the afternoon was growing colder. This scribe is pleased to record that not a single Hound took the offered Turkey Trail back On In – the Pack seemed to be up to the challenge of the Eagle Flightpath. And so, crushing our beers and cursing our hares, we plunged deeper into the woods. We soon found our path blocked by the Christiana River and were forced to walk, slither, crawl or shimmy across a fallen tree to ford the river. The murky, filthy, cold and stagnant water beckoned tipsy and coordinationally challenged Hashers, some of whom chose the Cowgirl’s Straddle the Saddle method of crick crossery.

The slow pace of this stream crossing served to string out the Pack for about a-half-a-mile. So at the same time as the poor Hind Teat Sucking Bastards (HTSB’s) were wobbling unsteadily over the log bridge, the Front Running Bastards (FRB’s) were popping the corks on another beer at a second Beer Stop. And by the time the HTSB’s at last joined the FRB’s at Beer Check Redux, the sun was barely winking atop the horizon. Extended dawdling was discouraged.

Out of the Beer Stop and plodding down the deteriorating blacktop of an abandoned lowland stretch of Smalley’s Dam Road, the chilly-toed Hounds had only one washed out wooden bridge standing between themselves and a warm Hash Apres. Some chose the True Trail bridge of fallen trees, some tippy-toed over wet river rocks and others simply plowed through gonad deep ice water. Climbing up out of the Christiana River Valley, the Hashers were immediately rewarded with an On-In at the home of Wet Lay – the penultimate dwelling on the far side of a dark dead end lane.

We circled up and went through the usual rigamarole of browbeating the Hares, honoring our visitors and chastising those among us who foolishly practice Hashus Interuptus as their Hash control method of choice.

Once all this crap was out of the way, we crowded into Wet Lay’s cozy cottage and commenced to feed upon hearty putanesca (whore’s pasta), chili san beaner (silent asshole’s stew) and brőt para garlique (foul breath bread). And once all that crap was out of the way, we settled down for a coupla hours of fellowship, camaraderie and lots of silly talk.

It was a warm and comfortable evening with friends following a cold and wet afternoon with friends.

Bunion Butt
November 2005