Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:450
What:Hockessin Hash #450 - First Wednesday Night Hockessin Hash
When:April 30, 2003
Where:Rittenhouse Park, Newark, DE
Hares:Miss Pissylvania
What: First Wednesday Night Hockessin Hash
When: April 30,2003 Wednesday at 6:30pm
Where: Rittenhouse Park, Newark
Who: Miss Pissavania (previously Fridget)
Why: Its spring, we're seeing more flesh, and a young man's (and woman's) fancy turns to ... uh, hashing.
From I-95, take Exit 1B (Rte 896 North Newark) After the first light get into the right lane, go past the second light (No left turns) and make the first right around the clover
loop/jug handle on West Chestnut Hill Road. Go straight through the light and follow West Chestnut Hill Road for 1/4 mile --- Make a Right at Rittenhouse Park go through the woods to the parking lot. If you go up the hill and see Arbor Drive you have gone to far.
More: Plenty of Shiggy (if you're suspectible to poision ivy, you might want to wear Ivy Block or wear tights, or make sure to bring dish detegerent (or other oil cutting soap) or rubbing alcohol to wash off your legs) .... Bring a dry bag.... Good Apres....
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