Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:444
What:Hockessin Hash #444
When:March 22, 2003
Where:Alapocas Ball Field Parking Lot, Wilmington, DE
What: Hash #444
What: March 22, 2003 at 3:00 PM
Where: Alapocas ball fields
Who: SlutMaster and the ubiquitous Cribsnatcher
D'erections: From I-95, take 202 North. Take a left onto Rt. 141. Take a another left onto Alapocas Drive (Going past the NE perimeter of Dupont's Experimental Station). Go 1/4 mile to stop sign, take a right and ball fields should be to your left. Park and hash. Bring a dry bag (there might a teensy bit of mud on trail because of today's rain).
Hash Trash
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