Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:1
What:Hockessin Hash #1
When:April 29, 1995
Where:White Clay Creek Preserve
Nothing here yet
Do Me On the Beach
Village Idiot
Hash Trash
GRAND MASTER: Edinburgh Bob
Hockessin HHH
or Let's Start a Hash
29 April 1995
(50th anniversarY of Hitler's suicide)
Entourage: Edinburgh Bob, Do Me, Postman, E-Mail, Village Idiot, Bruce,
Madonna, Jerry, Malcolm, Hunt on Bike and several others.
The Setting: White Clay Creek Preserve
Ownership: The State
What State: PA
Weather: Yes
Time: 16:00 (Snapple time)
Question: Wear Orthotics or Don't Wear Orthotics

May the muses help me scribe this.
The hell with it, what do I remember of this glorious day?
The road into the start was treacherous and in need of repair. The start was
inundated by trout fisherman. Despite this, 12 disciples appeared for this
inaugural hash.
Eainburgh Bob welcomed this august group. Bob and the Village Idiot presented
sparse pre-hash instructions prior to the start to the poofters.
The on-on was started and the cavalier and intrepid group up the potholed road
we went. At the first, check the FRB pack of postman, Bruce and Jerry found
the true trail and into the woods the hounds followed.
The trail lead to a
dense field reminiscent of the poppy field in "The Wizard of Oz" (Toto, I don't
think we're in Kansas anymore Dorothy).
Then we dipped into the White Clay cooling waters, ran some trail and back into
water. There was a short and long trail. All the goobers took the short trail
the sweathogs the long trail.

The long trail took us to London Track Road up the side of the hill and down to
the on-in. Where Mrs. Village Idiot sat protectig the fruits of our labor.
At the down-dan, the virgins were introduoed to the arcane and esoteric hash
up the trail markings well1.
I mist note, that the cherries were a quite erudite group and picked
Down-downs were perfomed by first in E-Mail, Hare Edinburgh Bob and all
lambs. Bruce had an intense conversation on Rubbers that had touched his lips.
Hunt showed up on Silver, his 12-speed bike. The Idiot introduced solemn
prayer to the group and a Dodge stationwagon aPpeared. It contained a park
ranger (The Lene Ranger) with a 10-gallon hat and a revolver, his sidekick
(Trigger) an ATF cap and packing a 9-millimeter. Thank god for the prayer
because the nice ranger noticing several David Koresh or John Doe 2's look
alikes asked that the beer be stowed or citations were forthcoming.
Do Me explained how she got her name. Well please do me too!!!!!!!!! Shiggy
is difficult terrain. Remember, there are no rules.
De Shadow
First running of the Hockessin Hash House Harriers