Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:374
What:Hockessin Hash #374
When:Dec. 8, 2001
Where:669 S. Union St., Wilmington, DE
What: Hash #374
Where: Wilmington, in the parking lot behind the Clarence Fraim Boys
Club located at 669 S. Union St.
When: Saturday, December 8, at 3p.m.
Who: Gomez, Morticia, and Roborod
Why: We?ve all been very bad boys and deserve a spanki...., whoops,
wrong listserver
De?rections: From PA, take I-95 to the Pennsylvania Ave exit go north
on RT. 52 to Union St. turn left on Union St to 669 S. Union St., the
Club will be in your right. If you pass Rt. 100 you went to far.
From the south take I-95 north get off at Maryland Ave turn left on
Maryland Ave (RT. 4) just under the over pass there is a Traffic light
this should be Maple St. (liquor store on corner) turn right follow
this straight till it dead ends on UNION STREET turn left, the club
should be down the road from there on your right.

Questions, Gomez has a new e-mail address hank13@...
Hash Trash
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