I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.
Hash Details | |
Hash Number: | 1196 |
What: | Hockessin Hash #1196 - The Red, White, and Blue Hash |
When: | July 5, 2017 |
Where: | Lumbrook Park, Newark, DE |
Hares: | Perfect Woman | Message |
What: Hockessin Hash #1196, The Red, White, and Blue Hash When: Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at 6:00 HDT Where: Lumbrook Park Newark, DE 19711 Who Hare: Perfect Woman Why and What Else: Because its that time of the year again. Note the early start time the chalk talk will start at 6:20 and the pack will be moving at 6:30. It will be impossible to short cut this trail and late cummers will be unable to complete this trail. As usual there will be ribbons on trail and prizes. Normal 4th of July cook out food. Things to bring if you want lawn chair and swimming suit. Warning Do not be Late Hashers. Friendlies: Sorry Dogs will not be able to go on trail this time. D’erections: From I-95 North or South take the RT 273 exit West towards Newark at the Newark Post Office turn right onto Rt 2 East (Capitol Trail) go 200 yards under the Rail Road Bridge turn right onto Woodlawn Ave, if early enough park in the little lot, if not park on the street (Woodlawn Ave) and hash. | Hashers |
Asshopper Bumpy Beaver Bunion Butt Bunion's Bitch Butt Lite Circle Jerk Cousin It Dead End Devil Woman Digital Dick Dirty Wet Pussy Do Me On the Beach Groper Hare Today Cum Tomorrow Lost Penis Mary Fucking Poppins NecroPheelMeUp Nip Fuck Perfect Woman Pickle Dick PubeHeAteHer Skidmarks Slutmaster The Wetter the Better Tinsel Tits Toxic Shock Triple Whore Score Up Piss Creek Weird Al Spanks the Bitch Wet Lay Wishboneher Woody Woodpecker | Hash Trash |
Trash for Hockessin Hash #1196 So, the slobbering pack gathered up in the cramped parking lot of Lumbrook Park for the umpteenth annual Red, White, and Blue hash on the fine early, earlier than usual evening of July the 5th, 2017 AD. Hashers I remember being present at some point: Slutmaster, Dead End, Circle Jerk, Do Me on the Beach, Weird Al, Bumpy Beaver, Nip Fuck, Just Kevin, Groper, Up Piss Creek, Toxic Shock, Devil Woman, PubeHeAteHer, NecroFeelMeUp, Lost Penis, Skidmarks, Wet Lay, Bunion Butt, Tinsle Tits, Pickle Dick, Buttlite, Digital Dick, Wishboneher, Hare Today Cum Tomorrow, Mary Fucking Poppins, Asshopper, Wetter the Better, Woody, Cousin It, Bunions Bitch, Dirty Wet Pussy, and many, many others. Our hare for the day, was Perfect Woman, who has hared every Red, White and Blue hash in my memory. And in a repeat of last year we had to try to share the parking lot with the same senior walking group that happened to show up at last years Red, White and Blue hash when it was at Curtis Mill Park, much to the chagrin of our hare. As Circle Jerk had to depart after the pre-lube giving one of the old turds a parking spot. And so most of us followed the hares directions this week and arrived a half hour earlier than usual, even our usually tardy RA Wishboneher, as the hare had stated in bold print more or less that late cummers would be fucked. As a fiendish and complicated plan he had in store for us. That included the usual contest about collecting ribbons on trail, that Pube always seems to get excited about, along with some ribbons that were to be placed along the way, and some trivia questions for later. Our RA Wishboneher opened up the chalk talk and Perfect Woman drew out some unfamiliar marks we were to look out for, such as a “GOB” and a “MMR”, the meaning of which would be explained later. Along with a few falses and a beer near or two. And so just before 6:30pm real time, we were off. On! On!The arrow pointed us towards the center of town, a mark or two was found along side the tennis courts, and there’s Pube dashing ahead grabbing every ribbon he could get his greasy hands on. As soon as we got to the intersection all of the pack seemed hard pressed to find marks, and so it was “On hare” at least till we got to the other side of the intersection and onto main street. On! On!Down Main Street Newark we went, past McDonalds, past the half-way house, past the Grain and the Super 8 Motel, until trail took a left just before Chapel St and over to the Newark transit hub center, where we found the “GOB #33”, right in front of Dart Bus #33, hence we concluded rather quickly what GOB stood for. Our hare had successfully timed the thing out, and the bus wasn’t to leave for a least a minute after the DFL’s got there. And so while we were waiting NecroFeelMeUp entertained us by attempting to climb through the bike rack as part of training for her upcoming Spartan race. When all, or all who showed up on trail arrived, our hare paid the fair for the pack, and up into the bus we went. On! On!Yes, it was rather warm on this bus, which sat there for a few, giving Wishboneher and Do Me an opportunity for photo ops swinging on the pole and a few other hashers an opportunity to make small talk with some of the locals, I.E, crazy people, as that's who you usually find hanging out on a Dart Bus at that time of day. And the wheels of the bus went round and round, down Main Street a few blocks, that is until poor bus #33 had some mechanical issues and had to sit for a while. But lucky us, Bus 46 was a little bit behind us, and we were allowed to transfer to that. Ah, bus #46, having working air conditioning. On! On!The wheels on the bus went round and round, down South College Avenue, past where the Chrysler plant used to be, and drop us off at the good old park and ride spot, that we have hashed out of many times before. Our hare directed us to get off and find trail from there. On! On!Trail went out past the Bob Carpenter stadium, with Pube dashing in the front, knocking folks out the way in his quest to get the most ribbons. Past some upset geese we went, as two poor goslings found themselves on the other side of a fence from their parents. And so Cousin It decided to lend a helping hand by hurling them to the other side of the fence. We came to the bridge on South College Avenue where we encountered a concerned officer who had received many calls from concerned folks about their being flour dots and chalk marks on the bridge. Wow!, seems like its been at least a decade since the last time the fuzz were called on us. Our GM Pube, took the time to explain to the officer that we were not there to blow up the bridge, and the explanation was apparently accepted. We found the Beer Near right under the bridge with Dead End in Perfect Woman’s truck and out of caution decided to wait for the hare to arrive before imbibing. This giving Wishboneher a chance to dash ahead and try to grab more flags. With our hares arrival, and the fuzzes departure we took the moment to enjoy some PBR’s, considered patriotic in this circumstance as the cans are red, white and blue colored. Our hare then passed out some handouts explaining the history of this path we were now following, as it was the way the British Army led by that limey bastard General Maxwell marched to meet Washington after the battle of Cooch’s bridge. This we were told was important to remember as there would be some trivia questions to answer later. On! On!Trail went down South College avenue. There was a false going near the U of D library with many ribbons at the end, snatched up by Bunion Butt. Most of the FRB’s, following the false, decided to jump over the brick wall to catch up to the front, instead of going back to the trail, giving Tinsle Tits a chance to snag up some ribbons. True trail went to Delaware Avenue then cut through another U of D parking lot, but nobody saw that, and went straight to Main Street, where we found no marks for a little while. On! Hare!We went back up Main Street past Grotto’s then found marks. We came to the Turkey/Eagle split, with the Eagle trail having the “MMR” mark. This having to do with General Maxwell’s march. The Turkey’s just went back up Main Street to point A, missing many ribbons, while the few eagles ran down Chapel Street toward Paper Mill. On! On!Eagle trail went down Chapel St with a few marks and ribbons found here and there. Pube, NecroFeelMeUp, Skidmarks, Tinsel Tits, ButtLite, and yours truly Mary Fucking Poppins being all who took the effort. We found trail taking a right down Old Paper Mill road following the path of Old General Maxwell, I think. And in the reservior park parking lot we found the beer near with Dead End in Perfect Woman's truck. And so we enjoyed some brews, well with the exception of Tinsle Tits who meandered off to collect more ribbons and ButtLite who wanted to get a head start on things but got herself lost again. Perfect Woman arrived sweeping, and informed yours truly that there was a prize flag halfway up the hill. And so I dashed up as fast as these old feet would take me so I could get there before Pube. And soon enough we were again off. On! On!Trail went down near the end of Old Paper Mill road, then into the park, then across the White Clay, and then into the stinging nettles. We went past another homeless persons encampment then, went under the drainage tunnel. And there, there were a few obstacles difficult to see, banging up NecroFeelMeUp’s knee, and Skidmark’s head. On the other side of the tunnel we found Lumbrook Park greeting us, along with the auto-hashing or late cumming Woody. The lost ButtLite found trail again when she saw Skidmarks appear, and was ushered back to the end by the sweeping Perfect Woman making one hell of a DFL performance. Soon our RA WIshboneher opened up the circle, as the sun was rapidly going down. The hare drank many times. The interruptus drank, as did the hash crash, and Cousin It for hurling those goslings over the fence. Our RA in her ye’ fancy 4th of July outfit got called out for a few things, as did everybody, or almost everybody who tried racing PubeHeAteHer during the ribbon snatching contest, as did PubeHeAteHer 3 or 4 times. Pickle Dick drank for his birthday and other folks drank for other things. The hare gave out many bottles of wine to the folks who collected the most ribbons and the flags, and to folks who answered the trivia questions right regarding the march of General Maxwell. After Woody closed the circle we adjourned back to the hares or hares relative’s pad where we were joined by the auto hashing Bumpy Beaver and Wetter the Better. There we enjoyed some fine burgers supplied by the local Herman’s meat market, some hotdogs, some macaroni salad and a fine cake provided by Bings Bakery that had a strawberry and pineapple filling. And this we enjoyed with some fine brews provided by Cousin It, and got to sit by a pool. All and All it was another shitty trail. Stay tuned for Hockessin Hash #1197 this Wednesday.On! On! MFP. |