I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.
Hash Details | |
Hash Number: | 1210 |
What: | Hockessin Hash #1210 - Columbus Rumpus Trail |
When: | Oct. 7, 2017 |
Where: | Park & Ride at Faith Presbyterian Church on Marsh Rd. |
Hares: | Slutmaster Woody Woodpecker | Message |
What: Hockessin Hash #1210, Columbus Rumpus Trail When: Saturday, October 7, 2017, at 3pm, HDT Where: Park & Ride at Faith Presbyterian Church on Marsh Rd. Who Hare: Slutmaster & Woody What to Expect: You will most definitely need some Bug Spray, and plan on getting your feet wet. Hash Cash: $7.00 Friendlies: Trail is NOT dog-friendly. D'erections: From I-95N, take exit 9, make a left at the light onto Marsh Rd. Church will be on your left. From I-95 South, take exit 9, make a right onto Marsh Rd. Church will be on your left. Just prior to the Church, make a left, then drive alongside the church and make your next left into the parking lot. | Hashers |
Bunion Butt Closing Time Cousin It Dead End Doggie Erectus F6 It Still May Cum Lost Penis Mary Fucking Poppins NecroPheelMeUp PubeHeAteHer Skidmarks Slutmaster Wet Lay Woody Woodpecker | Hash Trash |
Trash for Hockessin Hash #1210 So, the slobbering pack gathered up at the Faith Presbyterian Church park-n-ride on Marsh Road in the nicey-north part of Wilmington, DE on a sunny, still feeling like summer, low 80-ish degree afternoon of Saturday, October 7, 2017 AD. Hashers I remember encountering at some point or other included: Skidmarks, Lost Penis, PubeHeAteHer, NecroPheelMeUp, Cousin It, Wet Lay, Bunion Butt, Dead End, Mary Fucking Poppins, She May Still Cum, Doggie Erectus, Fuck 5, Closing Time and ...? Our hares for today were Woody and Slut Master, who showed-up to the parking lot with some rather fresh looking scrapes and gashes on his legs, so we knew we were in for a good time. The hares had strongly suggested that we apply bug spray and also that we should be prepared to get our feet wet, which was funny cumming from Woody who would rather take his chances running across a 6-lane interstate highway than get his feet wet on anyone else’s trail. So whilst we slurped our beers to the sounds of church bells tolling in the background, the hares attempted to explain that they may have run out of flour at the end because they threw down at least 10 pounds of it all over north Wilmington, so we shouldn’t get lost, and hares never lie, and blah, blah, blah. Our RA, Mary Fucking Poppins brought his usual order to the chaos by gently suggesting that we shut the fuck up and pay attention to chalk talk so the hares could further describe their evil plan. The chalk talk marks were laid in flour, then duplicated in red chalk, meaning we should look for one, the other, both or neither. They included some flour blobs or chalk lines, checks, falses, a Turkey/Eagle split and the ever important Beer Near which Dead End was on his way to set for us, so hopefully we would see him soon. And so, we were released into the back of the church parking lot before the devil knew we were gone and ... On-On! Trail threw us straight into some shiggy behind the church where we followed marks on trees straight down into Shellpot Creek (or beside it, depending on one’s preference). We thought we had lost marks for a brief moment until we came upon a stone wall where the name of Slut Master was scrawled in red amongst other various forms of graffiti. Then, since no one felt like playing Interstate-Frogger today, we entered the drainage tunnel under I-95 and emerged like sewer rats on the other side, headed across Carr Road at a ‘Be Very Careful’ as opposed to ‘Be Very Careless’ mark and into Bellevue State Park. On-On! We picked-up the dirt path here after navigating through some checks, then came upon the Turkey/Eagle split. The Turkeys headed straight, while the Eagles were taken on a lovely tour all the way around the loop path so that Woody could be pleased with himself for giving us a nice run on a hot-ass day. Trail navigated us through a playground where we had to be very careful not to squash any small children or disturb too many small dogs as we tried to look for fewer and farther-between marks. On-On! Next we came upon the horse stables behind the music venue where some cross-country arrows were not-so-conveniently spray-painted white on the ground just to throw us off a little extra. After we wrongly checked to the right by the stables and followed an arrow with a blob of flour on it, we realized we were Fucked and that we shoulda headed straight, all aligning with Woody’s evil plan. Speaking of which, trail headed us through the parking lot, then led us left up the paved path until we came upon an arrow pointing at us. Er, um…? So after fucking about for a while, we went back and found marks leading the opposite way on the paved path, which Woody later verified that yes, this was all part of his fucked-up plan. On-On! Trail led us out into the parking lots of some office buildings where a few wanks headed down a landscaped embankment rather than simply taking the nearby staircase, perhaps because they thought they could reach the Beer Near sooner? Regardless, we all made it there eventually aside from F5 and Closing Time who had to be tracked-down and shepherded in by Woody, who happened to be carrying a giant wooden staff in case anyone got out of line. Thankfully Dead End was there with the beer and we all enjoyed our suds around a picnic table while Cousin It regaled us with the story of how he had set-off some security alerts at a nearby building during one of his haring adventures of olde. After that, we didn’t see Cousin It for a while so we were left guessing as to whether the authorities had finally nabbed him or he was just lost on trail again. On-On! So after a beer or a few, we headed on-out to Carr Road where we hit a check that went into a neighborhood across the street. Pube and the FRB’s really wanted to keep running uphill because we completely missed marks heading left into the woods until Lost Penis was heard calling ‘on-on’ and we had to high-tail it back. Since we were missing the shiggy and water of the beginning of trail SO much, our wonderful hares brought us back into the creek for another round of scampering over rocks, wading through the water and trekking through yet another long, dark, foul-smelling tunnel under I-95. Once we emerged to invade the adjacent neighborhood, we discovered that the marks had turned red, so we knew we had to be close to the end(ish?). Most of the FRB’s eventually lost marks, but found Marsh Road and thus their way back to the church. We had plenty of time to get ourselves good and loaded on the beer at the end, for Cousin It had somehow ended up there long before us and we waited for what seemed like a very long time until the rest of the back emerged from the opposite direction behind the church. Obviously, we had missed something probably obvious, but no matter, all were back and ready to insult each other as the church bells tolled for us once again. And so, our RA Mary Fucking Poppins circled us up ‘around’ Skidmarks’ tailgate where down-downs were drank and songs were sung. Slut Master and Woody drank for not having enough water, shiggy, tunnels and other such essentials on trail and Woody was made to drink again for deliberately laying a ‘no-no’ on trail. Cousin It drank for somehow managing to be FRB, though he said he wasn’t sure how exactly he had made it back and F5 called himself out and drank for being DFL. Doggie Erectus was declared an Interuptus, so he and She May Still Cum drank for making us miss them. Dead End drank for auto-hashing, despite providing the Beer Near for us because we still had down-downs left. And finally, after much debate as to how his name should or should not be modified since bringing another baby hasher into this world, F5 was eloquently renamed F6. And after Woody provided his benediction, the hash at last got a piece. Following circle we descended upon the back deck of Slut Master and Senior Sex Toy’s home where we were provided with a lovely feast of giant balls (for meatball sandwiches), salad, macaroni and cheese, chips with tasty dips and several varieties of cookies and Friendly’s ice cream. Though Senior Sex Toy said she never cooks, she sure did a bangin’ job and we all ate and drank our fill while enjoying yet another unseasonably warm fall evening. And all in all it was another shitty trail. Stay tuned for Hockessin Hash #1211 this Saturday.On-On!NecroPheelMeUp |