Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:364
What:Hockessin Hash #364
When:Sept. 29, 2001
Where:Emily P. Bissel Hospital, Wilmington, DE
Hares:-Mystery Hare-
What: Hockessin Hash #364
When: Saturday, September 29 at 3:00pm
Where: Hockessin (kind of) at the Emily P. Bissel Hospital.
Who: Mystery Hares
From I-95 take the Rt. 141 north exit. Go about 3 miles to the
Kirkwood Hwy west exit and follow the signs for Rt. 4 Once on Rt.
41, go past two traffic lights and past the flashing yellow lights.
Take a left into 2nd entrance of Emily P. Bissel Hospital and go back
to the recycling area. Park and hash.
Hash Trash
Nothing here yet
Mystery Hares