Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

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Hash Details
Hash Number:1375
What:Hockessin Hash #1375 - Covid 19-35
When:Nov. 14, 2020
Where:1020 Arc Corner Road, Landenberg, PA
Hares:Circle Jerk
Do Me On the Beach
What: Hockessin Hash #1375 -- Covid 19-35
When: Saturday, November 14, 2020, any time after 12:00pm/noon
Where: The little parking lot at the end of Arc Corner Road in the White Clay Creek Preserve (PA).
Who Hare: Circle Jerk and Do Me on the Beach
What Else: This is a BYOB with no apres. The standard H4 marks will be used. Unfortunately we picked the second day of shotgun season in DE to hare and our first choice for the trail will be closed. We have a second choice that looks like it will work based on the map of trail closures that was published. If the map turns out to be inaccurate, there’s a third even less interesting option that can be used. So, rest easy hashers, you will get a trail, although lower (or higher?) on the shit scale than we would like.
Hash Cash: Free. BYOB.
H4 Circle: If afterward you would like to come over to our house (1117 Kelly Dr, Newark, DE) to regale us on the shittyness of the trail, feel free to do so. We should be able to maintain safe distance apart in the yard. The official circle will be conducted virtually on the 3rd Saturday of the month (11/21).
Friendlies: OK for dogs.
D'erections: From the Rt 273 exit off I95 (exit 3, I believe) - Proceed about 2 miles then turn right onto Ruthar Rd. At the next traffic light turn left onto Red Mill Rd. Go about 1.3 miles, turn left at the light onto Rt2 (Kirkwood Hwy). After driving for about 0.6 miles turn right onto Rt 72 (Possum Park Rd). At the intersection with Paper Mill Rd, Possum Park turns into Thompson’s Station Rd. Turn left at the second 4-way stop. Now you’re on Chamber’s Rock Rd. At around 1 mile, Arc Corner Rd will be on your left. It’s difficult to see but it does have a sign (if you see Bill’s Way, you’ve passed it). Drive down the road to the parking lot, get out of your vehicle, grab some beer, and hash.
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