Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

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Hash Details
Hash Number:1359
What:Hockessin Hash #1359 - State of the Coronavirus Emergency Hash, Covid-19-19 -- Necro Pheel Me Up and Do Me On the Beach Hashy Birthday
When:July 22, 2020
Where:Paper Mill Park, Newark, DE
Hares:Circle Jerk
Do Me On the Beach
What: Hockessin Hash # 1359 -- State of the Coronavirus Emergency Hash, Covid-19-19 -- Necro Pheel Me Up and Do Me On the Beach Hashy Birthday
When: Wednesday, July 22, 2020, trail should be ready by 4 PM. Go when it works for you (we'll keep you posted on the day for any changes).
Where: Paper Mill Park, 1050 Paper Mill Rd, Newark, DE 19711
Who Hare: Necro Pheel Me Up, Do Me On The Beach, Pube He Ate Her, and Circle Jerk
What Else: Apres’ will be at Do Me On the Beach and Circle Jerk’s Pad (1117 Kelly Dr. Newark DE 19711). Plenty of Social Distancing will be easy. Apres’ will be any time after 5PM, HST. Some sort of circle will occur for those who are there in person. BYOE (Everything – chair, food, beverages, and a good attitude). We will also be ordering pizzas, so bring $$ if you would like to partake. Do Me will have plenty of water and iced tea on hand.
Hash Cash: Free! BYOB.
Friendlies: Friendlies if on a leash, for the trail, but, you know, it'll probably be very hot ....
D'erections: From north or south on I-95 take Exit 3 Rt. 273 West. Proceed 1.6 miles turn right on Ogletown Rd. Take left at new intersection, now you’re on Red Mill Rd. Continue 1.3 miles to intersection with Kirkwood Hwy. Proceed straight through traffic light, now you’re on Polly Drummond Hill Rd (same road, different name). Proceed 3 miles and park is on left before light at Paper Mill Rd. (Rt 72).
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