Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:1352
What:Hockessin Hash #1352 - State of the Coronavirus Emergency Hash, Covid-19-12
When:June 6, 2020
Where:Pike Creek Shopping Center, Wilmington, DE
Hares:Circle Jerk
Do Me On the Beach
What: Hockessin Hash # 1352 -- State of the Coronavirus Emergency Hash, Covid-19-12
When: Saturday, June 6, 2020 anytime after 11:00am HST
Where: Pike Creek Shopping Center (I think that’s what it’s called) … the one on Limestone Rd. Park near the defunct Kmart. If you’re lucky, you may be there when the motorheads congregate to burn rubber in the lot.
Who Hare: Circle Jerk and Do Me on the Beach
What Else: Once again, the weather is interfering with trail plans. A good trail with some challenging options was planned .... we’ll figure something out. Check out Facebook page for trail marks etc.
What Else Too: Afterward, if you want a change of scenery, in keeping with the CJ’s declaration of Phase 1 of the H4 reopening, you are welcome to come to our place (). BYOB and a picnic basket … and a mask, if you choose. There is plenty of space to spread out in our big back yard.
We've Got Virgins: Well, not really, but a transplant from the Aloha H3 -- Pinkeye Bandit. Keep an eye (pink one not necessary) for her at upcuming hashes to welcum her and explain our marks, etc..
H4 Zoom Square: Circle/apres on Saturday at 7pm. Meeting ID: 847 651 0068 Password: 868915
Hash Cash: Free. BYOB.
Friendlies: Do whatcha wanna ... but dogs must be on a leash on some of the trail.
D'erections: Form I-95 N or S take the exit for Rt 7 North. Go up the road a bit and you’ll come into Stanton. To stay on Rt 7 north, you will need to be in the left lanes, otherwise you’ll end up in Newport. Cross over Rt 2 (Kirkwood Hwy) Abut 2 miles later turn left onto New Linden Hill Rd. Take first right into the big, empty parking lot (unless the motor heads are there). Park, sanitize your dirty hands, cover your filthy mouth when around others, and hash.
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