Hockessin Hash House Harriers History

I am too lazy to update the web side but back end is up to date.

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Hash Details
Hash Number:1349
What:Hockessin Hash #1349 - State of the Coronavirus Emergency Hash, Covid-19-9
When:May 16, 2020
Where:39.7476616468199, -75.68542278998945
Hares:Legal Ego
What: Hockessin Hash # 1349 -- State of the Coronavirus Emergency Hash, Covid-19-9
When: Saturday, May 16, 2020 anytime after 10 to 11am HST
Where: Playground parking lot on the corner of Northpointe Drive off Stoney Batter Road, Pike Creek, DE, 39.7476616468199, -75.68542278998945
Who Hare: Just Josh, AKA Ivanna AKA Another Notch AKA Legal Ego
What Else: Take pictures. Stay a safe distance from each other. Bring chalk. DFL will be the one with the picture with the most hash names written at the start.
Why: Because, you know, these days, you got nothing better to do on a sunny Saturday.
Fly Me to the Zoom: A Zoomtastic circle will be held on Saturday night at 7pm.
Hash Cash: Free. BYOB.
Friendlies: Do whatcha wanna.
D'erections: From either direction on I-95, when you get to the interchange near Christiana Mall, follow signs to Route 7 Northbound. Stay on Route 7 North for just over 5 miles. Immediately after passing Pike Creek Shopping Center and Goldey Beacon College, turn right onto Stoney Batter Road. Stay on Stoney Batter Rd for a 1/2 mile and take a right onto Northpointe Drive. Park, use your hand-sanitizer, wear a breathable mask when around others, and hash.
Hash Trash
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